Irene American Legion Auxiliary #193
Irene American Legion Auxiliary #193.
The American Legion Auxiliary (ALA) is making our communities a better place in which to live. Demonstrate respect for our country and our national flag. It is a group of volunteer women serving veterans, military and their families. We promote youth programs, educational programs, contests and scholarships in our local school. We send a delegate to Girls State. We supply local veterans with “Quilts of Valor”. Those eligible to join a the American Legion Auxiliary are grandmothers, mothers, sisters, spouses and direct adopted females of all men or women who served in the military in either of the following periods, April 6, 1917 to November 11, 1918 or anytime after December 7, 1941. We would welcome new members! We support our community Food Pantry, EMT’s, After Prom party as well as various other school programs.