
The Irene-Wakonda School District encompasses the communities of Irene and Wakonda in southeastern South Dakota. The elementary school, including pre-school, is located in Wakonda and the junior/senior high school is located in Irene. The school has three full sized gymnasiums, one auxiliary gymnasium, and an outdoor sports complex. There are approximately 100 students enrolled at the high school with an additional 50 students enrolled in the junior high. The elementary school current enrollment stands at 157 students, the preschool has an additional 27 students.
The Irene-Wakonda School District is proud to report that they have exceeded the Federal guidelines for the Department of Education's School Performance Index (SPI). The Irene-Wakonda Junior/Senior High School has a 10.4:1 teacher to student ratio and all of the teachers are highly qualified. Since the 2007 consolidation of the Irene, SD and the Wakonda, SD the Irene-Wakonda School Board has focused on providing students with up-to-date facilities at both locations. The latest addition included a 1000 seat gymnasium, fine arts center, industrial arts classroom and shop, weight room, four locker rooms and concessions area. In addition, the district has added nine classrooms, an auxiliary gym/lunchroom, kitchen, two flex rooms, library, memorabilia room, locker room, and various storage rooms. Future plans include the removal of the original Irene School and to rebuild in its current location to meet the needs of the district.
Further information is available at the district's main office at 605-263-3311.
In the Irene/Wakonda School District, we as educators, parents, students, and community are committed to providing educational opportunities in a supporting environment, so that all students may strive to achieve their fullest potential in society.
We Believe…
• Every child has self-worth and can learn.
• Education is a life-long process which engages parents, community, students, and staff.
• A safe, positive, and respectful learning environment is necessary for students to grow and develop beyond their present level.
• Student centered instruction should be challenging and applicable with a variety of methods being used to meet the uniqueness of each individual.
• That an inviting and optimistic school climate plays an integral role in the everyday success of all students.