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Hall - Thompson Post 193 American Legion

The Legion promotes and instills patriotism and love for our country. The main purpose of the American Legion is to promote the welfare and care of local veterans. Chuck Stelley is the Commander of Hall – Thompson Post 193.

The American Legion post in Irene was chartered in 1920 as the Henry Hall American Legion Post #193. Henry Hall was killed in World War I. After World War II the charter was changed to the new name of Hall-Thompson American Legion Post #193. Lloyd M. Thompson died in France during the war.

The post provides ‘Honor Guard” at funerals and other events. The post is a strong supporter of youth activities. Boys State is a major activity. In the past, Legion and youth baseball have been supported. The Legion is seeking candidates to sponsor for Boys State – for both Junior and Senior boys. The Legion has scholarship funds for post High School education. Contact the Legion for details

Activities during the year are the Memorial Day activities and program, the “Feather Party” and “Fun Night”. Respectful flag disposal is provided.

All veterans who served after December 7, 1941, are eligible to join the American Legion. All family members of veterans are eligible for the Auxiliary. Sons and grandsons of veterans are eligible to join the Sons of the American Legion.

The Legion is interested in bringing in more members from the community. Contact Commander Chuck Stelley at 541-331-3253.

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